Have student tasks become inactive or expired when completed instead of making students delete them.

Overall, we like the new task feature.  We've had a chance to receive student feedback, so here it is.  Right now, if a student adds a new task from the assignment center,  it will hang out in their assignment center regardless if a student is filtering by date or viewing it as assigned, active, or due.  It never seems to lose its active status even if the student marks it as Complete, so students must complete them.  We would like to see the task become a previous task just like an assignment becomes a previous assignment.  It should not show up as an active task unless it is not yet complete.  Our students would like that change because they would like to go back to see the record of the task instead of just having it permanently deleted.

  • Jeannie Finley
  • Sep 18 2018
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Jackie Christensen commented
    19 Sep, 2018 12:39pm

    Hi Jeannie!

    Agreed! We're actually fixing this with the October 17th release. The original intention was that the student entered to do's should behave just like assignments and adhere to the due date. 

    Happy to hear your students are taking advantage of the new feature!
