We love that onCampus finally automatically shares Google Drive assignment submissions with the teacher of the class. However, there is no way to control the "Notify" options. This means every time a student submits an assignment and it is shared the the teacher, the teacher gets an email. Some people may like this feature but for teachers who have all of their students submitting multiple Google Docs a day, it's completely overwhelming. Our current workaround is to have teachers set up filters in their gmail to send these notifications to a folder or trash. This IS NOT adequate because most likely, shared documents that they DO want an email notification for will get sent to the folder or trash as well. Either the student needs to have the option to not notify the teacher or the teacher needs an option to not receive notifications from google docs that are submitted through onCampus.
Happy to share that this idea has been implemented! Teachers whose accounts are associated with a Google account can now select if they would like to receive notifications when a student shares a Google Drive file for an assignment. From the Assignment center, under More followed by Preferences, there is a Google Drive tab where they can select if they would like to receive notifications for shared Google Drive files for an assignment. Please note: this preference only works for users with a Google account email tied to their school account.
Much needed!
Please address the notifications with shared Google submission via OnCampus!
Yes, please. I think the teacher needs this option (relying on students to choose an option would not be consistent, either).
My inbox is swamped with unnecessary notifications. Please allow me to choose to shut off notifications.