When "publish grade" is unchecked for an asssignment, the students' view of their live gradebooks still shows the effect of the unpublished grade on their averages. Why else would you keep a grade unpublished if not to obscure the grade and its effect until some deliberate time when you wish to publish both? We consider it best practice to wait to reveal an assignment grade and its effect until after the student has received the assignment feedback in class. Although unchecking "add to cumulative grade" resolves the issue on the student side, it then also obscures the effect of the grade from the teacher's view. Teachers should be able to see the effect of a grade on a student's average before publishing the effect to the student.
I agree, Ted. I agree. The "publish grade" and "Add to cumulative" go hand-in-hand, so the toggling one should toggle the other.
Also, some indication in the gradebook that one or both of of these are toggled off is needed - otherwise, how does a teacher remember or know if something is turned off?
Related idea: https://blackbaudk12.ideas.aha.io/ideas/K12OC-I-1947