Allow students to control Assignment Center status bubble colors/contrast/patterns

We were recently contacted by a parent of a student who is colorblind. Her son is not able to distinguish the colors of the assignment status bubbles, and while there is text, the contrast is so low that he has a hard time reading it. There is a workaroud - by clicking the "Change status" link, he can see by the options in the drop down, so missing option = current status. But it sort of defeats the at-a-glance convenience of the bubbles.


She asked if there was a way for her son to control the colors and/or contrast and/or patterns of the bubbles, so that he can craft something that works for his particular disability. We thought this was such a great idea! And if we give control to the student, they can set it to accommodate their own needs, rather than us trying to guess what the magic combination is for all student users. 

  • Carolyn Stevens
  • Oct 25 2018
  • Attach files
  • Veronica Dimberio commented
    December 13, 2023 16:26

    I have just received this complaint from a student as well. He says the green and blue are virtually the same for him so it is frustrating for him when attempting to use the at a glance functionality. The accessibility feature would be really helpful for the colorblind community. He can change the accessibility for his computer, but he does a lot of photo editing and thinks it will effect his editing skills.