Have to possibility to have more than one "Smart List" for a community group

I would like to be able to either add 2 or more smart lists to a community group or be able to use an advanced list to pull into the community group. I'm trying to get parents and students of grades 11 and 12 only access to a community group and cannot do it automatically.

  • Lyne Labrecque
  • Dec 3 2018
  • Attach files
  • Seth Battis commented
    02 Oct 14:54

    The advanced list option feels like it would both a) reduce development/UI overhead and b) be more flexible. Definitely need this in a few instances I can think of immediately.

  • John Faig commented
    02 Oct 14:20


  • Lindsay Hurley commented
    02 Oct 13:57

    This is extremely needed!!

  • Heather Brown commented
    August 16, 2021 15:51

    Or, if this group acted as the other group types so that once a student is added, their parents/legal guardians automatically become a part of the group.

  • Guest commented
    May 20, 2019 17:20

    Agree! Adding BB term Smart Group to this thread so it shows up in search.