Publish/Unpublish Individual Assignment Grades in Gradebook View

I would like the ability to add grades in gradebook without them going "live" instantly - that is, I'd like to add the grades, then push a button to publish them (or even be able to set a time for them to publish automatically). It would be useful to have a "Published" grade average and an "Unpublished" grade average. This would be useful in seeing the effects on the class of any particular assignment, and whether I need to make any adjustments for committing the grades to the gradebook.

  • Scott McLetchie
  • Dec 7 2018
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Tiffany Klang commented
    4 Oct, 2019 04:45pm

    Agreed! It would be so helpful to be able to see the "unpublished" and "published" grade averages.  Additionally, if there could be an indicator in each assignment header within the gradebook that indicates if the assignment grade is published or not (even color coding it would be helpful), that would be amazing (rather than having to open each assignment individually to see if it's published or not).