Make it easier for faculty to be able to email select parents

We are new to On from FAWeb.  In FAweb you had the choice of “all” or “selected“ when wanting to email parents/students. When you chose selected, you would check the box next to the students name.  Example - our faculty member wants to just email students who did not do well on a test and also send the email to their parents.  In On it is either all or nothing.  She has to go back and forth looking up the parent's email and then typing it in.

  • Anna Broomell
  • Dec 14 2018
  • Attach files
  • Elaine Mouton commented
    September 10, 2020 19:09

    I am surprised that this is not a bigger issue for schools. It has been a huge problem for teachers that only want to send something to a group of students within a class. It is especially hard to swallow when they were used to this feature in FAWeb.

    Please vote for this!