Need the ability to exclude a student when calculating rank

When we have students transfer from other schools to our school, we do not count them in rank until they have been at our school for 3 semesters. This prevents someone coming in their senior and becoming valedictorian. It would be nice to have the ability to exclude a student when running class rank. 

  • Tammy Applegate
  • Dec 17 2018
  • Attach files
  • Rick Nohle commented
    May 31, 2019 13:43

    We have students from a neighboring all-girls high school who take a few classes at our all-boys high school. I think a good option to provide to Grade Calculations would be to do the calculations based on student who are part of an advanced list. For example, if we constructed a list that had all students with Gender = Male and Grad Year = 2020, we could limit the GPA and Rank Calculations to students in that list. We give a Student ID different prefixes for the full-time students at our school than for part-time students from the neighboring school, so the list might filter Student ID that starts with STU and Grad Year = 2020 to get the same result.