Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-1982 When allowing teachers to choose their visibility settings for their gradebook, the default view for them should be unchecked..

Fix issue where Gradebook Display Options - Access checkbox settings appear "on" but are not in fact on. Merged

I've posted a video of this issue to Take a look!

When teachers want to set grades access for various roles in their gradebooks, they must set up this access for each marking period. Currently, when a teacher first goes to do this for a particular marking period that they haven't configured yet (Under Display Options--> Access), theĀ 

Show marking period cumulative grades
Show year cumulative grades
Show assignment grades
checkboxes may appear to be "on" (selected) for a given role, but grades access for that role is not actually turned on, yet.
This has caused confusion for many of our teachers. They come into Display Options to turn on Student access to grades for a marking period, look to see what settings are "turned on" for Students, see that these checkboxes are turned on, think they don't have to do anything additional, and cancel out of Display Options because all looks good (they haven't adjusted any settings, so why bother clicking "Save"?). But then their kids still can't see their grade detail for the course/marking period in their Progress page.
Support (case 017017159) tells me that the desired workflow is for teachers to come in here, not touch anything, and click "Save & Close" to lock in the checkboxes that appear to already be turned on. This is confusing and not good interface design.
I've also had several teachers have near heart attacks: they don't WANT to share their grades with students and freak out when they check Display Options and find that access for Students appears to already be turned on!
The access checkboxes should appear to be "off", both to reflect the fact that students cannot access grades until these settings are adjusted (reflect the state of grades access before teachers make changes), and to make it clear to teachers that some action is required on their part to turn on the access (turning "on" the checkboxes and then clicking Save & Close to lock in their settings). As it is, our teachers struggle to make grades available to their students because of this. Please fix it.
  • Sylvie Andrews
  • Jan 25 2019