Calculate academic performance across multiple terms

We need to have the ability to calculate end of the year awards based on minimum grades across terms. For Example: Elementary end of the year Gold Honor Roll:  All A's in quarters 1-4 and no grade lower than a S in conduct.  We run this at the end of the year not quarterly.  I need the performance calculation to result in only those students that have all A's for EVERY Quarter and not be forced to run this each term then compile the results in Excel for days and days of data crunching........ This is a disaster!

I just realized that how academic performance is proposed to be set up is not how it works.  WE MUST  be able to produce end of the year academic performance for students that have STRAIGHT A's without running the performance calculation 4 times and then merging 4 reports into 1 result...... 

  • Lorrin Saliba
  • Mar 26 2019