Be able to put a student's schedule on hold so they cannot see it if they have not met their financial requirement before the beginning of the school year.

We don't turn on all the student's schedules until the first day of school because we hold the paper version of their schedule if they have not met the financial requirement by a date before school starts. If we could put a hold on the viewing of these few kids schedules we could eliminate the paper version of the student's schedules. 

  • Cindy Wanie
  • Jul 24 2019
  • Implemented
  • Jul 29, 2021

    Admin response

    This functionality is available in the new Holds feature which replaced the previous exclusions in July 2021.

  • Attach files
  • Oona McKnight commented
    9 Aug, 2021 09:26pm

    While this works for the Schedule tab, students can still see their courses on the Progress page. This negates the Hold!

  • Elaine Mouton commented
    16 Aug, 2020 02:12pm

    We have found that withholding schedules, when everyone else has theirs, is the most effective way to motivate those who haven't made payments at the beginning of the school year. We have gone through time-consuming ways to do this and it is not ideal. I would love to see something implemented to accomplish this.

  • Guest commented
    23 Jul, 2020 06:11pm

    I absolutely support the idea of including a way to hold individual student schedules. It would be most helpful to have a hold as a motivator to take care of various obligations throughout campus.

  • Shastri Mahabir commented
    1 Aug, 2019 02:26pm

    We usually, put holds on view their reports cards, but preventing viewing of schedules would also be helpful.

  • Helen Snyder commented
    30 Jul, 2019 03:19pm

    We also struggle with how to deal with students who have not met their financial obligation.  We would like to prevent them from viewing schedules