Please bring back the "Find me now" function

"Find me now" has been an extremely useful tool that we used on a daily basis in the past years.  After the newest update, "Find me now" has been changed to "Find a student", which does not let us quickly locate a teacher.  I understand that I can always go under Core to find a teacher's schedule, but that's not as convenient as "Find me now", which tells me where a teacher is at that exact time of search.  It was very handy in a school office environment as our students would often want to locate a teacher to discuss about assignments, tests, or just to ask questions.

Also when searching up a student, it shows the student's roster for that day but does not highlight the current class he or she is in, which defeats the purpose of "find a student".  

  • JoJo Tam
  • Aug 2 2019
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Linda Lutes commented
    4 Sep, 2019 08:15pm

    I liked when it highlighted where they were or said between obligations.

  • Erica Arnold commented
    28 Aug, 2019 02:11pm

    Find Me Now still shows teachers for us, HOWEVER, the old Find Me Now used to highlight which class the student should actually be in at that time.  We have a confusing modified block schedule, so now I have to look at the schedule, look at the time, then go back to decipher where the student (or teacher) truly is.  The old version was WAY better.

  • Claudia Rosen commented
    21 Aug, 2019 12:05pm

    Please bring this function back. It was so useful 

  • Cassie Hutto commented
    19 Aug, 2019 04:04pm

    PLEASE return this to the functionality and display of the FIND ME NOW module.  I also use it for teachers.  I also miss the highlights as to where a student is and the note about attendance seems to be missing as well.  I used this to see if there was a pattern showing up.  If a student showed absent from homeroom, and the first couple of period in the day I could tell the teachers that student might be out sick.

  • Carolyn Thompson commented
    13 Aug, 2019 03:09pm

    I use FIND ME NOW continuously throughout the day as a an instant way to find a divergent group of students and/or teachers. Please bring this function back.

  • Sylvie Andrews commented
    2 Aug, 2019 06:49pm

    It would help to know where you're saying this has disappeared from. Do you have the Faculty persona? "Find Me Now" still shows up on the My Day - Schedule and Performance page, and it still works for students AND teachers.