Course Requests - Required # sections per department vs. sections in general

Under scheduling we enter the # of sections a student should request.  This generates the line item stating how many students have incomplete schedules.  Is it possible to further refine that section request area to state how many sections in each department we have in our database.  Each students should must have 1 in English, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Bible and at least 7 requests total.


This would help us ensure that students who may have 4 semester long electives would still need to request an English, a Social Studies, a Science, a Math and a Bible before their schedule is deemed complete.  Currently the 4 semester long electives would count toward the 7 requests and does not mean a student truly has a complete schedule.  We are having to manually verify every individual schedule as a result instead of being able to use the tools available in the system.

  • Cera Marsh
  • Nov 20 2019
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