Communication Enhancement: Student Search-Individual Select Options

Enhancement Request:  We need a communication tab that allows student names to be searched and depending on whether student/parent/both is selected it will auto-populate those email addresses. 

The only way to communicate easily currently is via courses, activities, athletic groups or entire grade level communications.  We need an easier way to email particular groups of students (and their parents) or individual students (and their parents).

Example:  Homecoming Court Participants (20 students)

As this spans grade levels and is not a course or planned activity our only method of getting email addresses for communication is to enter the contact card (or directory) for each student, copy/paste the student/parent emails into a word document and then copy/paste from the word document into the BCC field of an email.  

We need a communication tab that allows us to search and select students and then click which emails (student/parent #1/parent #2) we want communication sent to and it will auto-populate the email addresses similar to what already happens under the roster tab for classes.

  • Cera Marsh
  • Nov 22 2019
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    • Angela Addison commented
      June 09, 2021 15:46

      I know this is a little outdated so before our recent inbox updates - curious if that would work for you now for these purposes and if not, get a little more info on why. thaks!

    • Morgan Kunze commented
      September 10, 2020 17:16

      So many requests in this portal for selective lists - for communication, for reporting, et al. This is so needed!!