Every once in a while we have a parent or student come back looking for a letter of recommendation, gradebook grades or something where the teacher needs to go in and see all past assignments. As of now, we have to manually re-enroll the student into the school, add them into a section just for the dropped report to work. I think it would be very helpful to have an option to view past students, or at least show that student at the bottom of the list with their boxes grayed out, so that we can still see them but not add any more grades to them. A checkbox in the view settings would allow teachers to hide those students from their gradebooks.
This is NOT implemented for Withdrawn students - only for students who were dropped from a class (not withdrawn from the school).
Students who are withdrawn do not appear in the gradebook when you select "show the dropped students". This is extremely frustrating. Also, the canned report, Assignment - By Student for All Sections I run often, I just found displays the cumulative average for some classes but not all. Still have to re-enroll the student to obtain a valid report.
Now, from the assignment details page, teachers can click the More dropdown and select Show dropped students. From here, teachers can review and edit specific grades and comments for dropped students.
We have encountered scenarios where an assignment needed to be reviewed or a grade needed to be entered/edited after the student was dropped from the class, or a teacher needed to go back and get copies of submitted work to give to the new teacher or need to go back. As much as we work to put a protocol in place to have this done before the student is removed from the class, this is more challenging with student schedule changes at the start of a new term. Having to go through a process of the teacher requesting access, a scheduler re-enrolling the student, the teacher doing what they need to do and communicate when they are finished, and then the scheuler re-dropping the student can begin to feel like a lot of extra work. Also, while the student is re-enrolled, the student sees the old class's information as if it is an active class. So, if it is a 2-3 day process, there is also the added inconvenience of parents/students seeing the extra information, especially on their schedules/assignments pages.
I want to be able to access scores and comments attached to individual assignments in the gradebook after the student withdraws. That's not addressed in the report card.
I'm confused by this request. When you refer to 'dropped report', are you referring to a report card that shows dropped courses?
From how you've described it, it sounds like you may be talking about a feature that already exists. In the new Report Card builder, so long as 'Show dropped courses' is selected and you don't hide grades if they're blank, students and parents should be able to get that information.
From a gradebook perspective, I can understand why a student and parent would not have access to this information, because once dropped the system doesn't say "well this student was dropped in term XY but was enrolled in term X, so give them access to just the term X information even though it's now term XY". I'm posting an idea shortly that addresses this.