Our school uses over a hundred different block configuration in our academic schedule. This allows us to schedule in periods of varying lengths; starting and ending times are set up for each block within the master scheduling setup. This works well for us, and we are not interested in doing it differently. The most recent update is a disaster! I have spent hours trying to figure out a way to change schedules with the new link - Student enrollment - that (I am assuming) replaced the Manage enrollment link, and while I understand how it works, it is a major step backwards.
The fact that the blocks for the sections do not appear next to the course (you have to scroll over until the block that class meets in becomes visible and we use LOTS of blocks!) means that in order to even look at a list of courses and when they meet, I will have to print out a copy of that student's schedule from another place (either from reports or a screen shot from the student profile page). It used to be three clicks to change a course on a student's schedule; now it will be a maze of printing hard copies for reference and god know how many clicks to drop or add - or even find a new one.
I especially agree that one option of error is inadequate and old change (student changed to a new course or section), drop (student dropped the course and has a study hall now) or error (course was enrolled in error) was far superior. Now I have to find the class and manage roster to do and it's a lot more work. In addition, I find when I add a student to G block and they were in C Block of same course will prompt me for do I want to transfer them from C to G, which is great, just wish it worked. They stay in C. No G added.
Totally Agree!
The new way is incredibly inefficient and wastes so much time just looking for the sections that you need!!!!
Chankging schedules for the past week has been very time consuming and frustrating. Manage Enrollment offered easy access to the student names with the alpha choices across the top and a full view of the year's schedule without having to click a semseter. This screen was easy to screen print which we used to record change requests as well as the ability to drop a course directly from this screen. When the drop/add window opened, it was a much easier screen to view (no little boxes in each box) and it had the people icon which allowed a view of the class list which we used all the time. Now to get a class list that has the student's class year with it, I need to go to Reports/Grading and ask for the whole department spring classes because individual courses report that there are no grades. Under enrollment reports that student names are printed horizontally without the class year. With over 200 sections in the spring semester and over 900 students, I really need to have the functions of Manage Enrollment restored!
Bring Back the Manage Enrollment task. The Student Enrollment task is not user friendly!
I also agree with all that has been shared. Bring it back!
YES! Please bring back the Manage Enrollment tab!! With multiple block names, it's impossible to see the details of a student's schedule on one page and under Student Enrollment, that information isn't in order. I'm in the same boat as these other users in that changing a student schedule in the Student Enrollment area is exponentially more difficult and far less efficient.
I echo all the sentiments presented here. Terrible timing since we are right at the semester. I have a large number of students transferring sections at the semester. If people want to use the Student Enrollment page, so be it. Just bring back the Manage Enrollment tab for those of us who have been power using it for quite a while!
AGREE!!! In addition, the ellipses next to each course for a student, in an Academic Quarter not yet begun, no longer shows the 3 options - Error, Drop, Transfer. It now shows one option - DELETE. So how do I transfer a student to a different section of this course on this screen? The only option I was offered by a support analyst was to go to another part of the system where transferring is still offered as an option.
I agree with everything voiced above. I am aware of 3 other ways to shift schedules around for students, and none of them are nearly as good as the Manage Enrollment button. Everything needed was easily visible and clear. The time it takes me to shift schedules around is exponentially higher without the Manage Enrollment button. While I don't do the printing another person referenced, I find myself getting angry at the messiness of using the other methods. If a student clearly knows which class needs to get moved and to which section, it is fine. If multiple transfers need to happen or if time needs to be spent to look at options, the other 3 methods are significantly inferior.