Creating Assignments from assignment calendar view should set selected date as the Due Date, not Assigned Date

Currently, when creating a new assignment from the 'Assignments' tab, the default behavior is that the Assigned Date is set to the current date.

However, when the 'Calendar View' option is selected instead and a date in the future is selected, the teacher's intention is to create an assignment due on the selected date.  However, the system instead uses the selected date as the assigned date.

We would like to see this behavior changed such that when a future date is selected from the assignment calendar view that:

  1. The 'Assigned date' is automatically set to the current date, not the date selected
  2. The 'Due date' is automatically set to the selected date on the calendar, not remain blank
  • Alex Orlebeke
  • Jan 31 2020
  • Attach files
  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    June 09, 2020 13:28

    This came up again today, but for a slightly different reason.

    Given it's the end of the year, I was testing the 6/9/20 release for student assessment resuming w/o teacher intervention. When I created my demo assessment, I produced an error because the current day was not within one of our marking periods. To work around this, I just set the assigned date to a previous date in a marking period.

    However, when I went to make changes again to the assessment, I ran into the same error because when the due date is blank the system automatically sets the due date as the current date, which again was not in marking period.

    Just another example of additional logic that's needed here and which once again begs the question, why does the system allow a blank due date and then auto populate it with the current / assigned date??