Please make the newly implemented End Time field for athletic events a non-required form element. We aren't sure of each game's exact end time and don't want to confuse our parents who may arrive early for pick-up. Currently, the End Time field is required in order to add games. Please change this.
Quite welcome, sorry for the pain it caused you all!
Thank you!
Oof this is causing major problems with school/athletics cancellations due to coronavirus. Please send to top of development queue!
I want to add my dislike of the new required field (end time) to this thread. Please make this change soon.
Actually just kidding, entering TBA makes it a 12:00AM end time which could be even more confusing to parents. I thought TBA would leave the time open ended. The only other option I see is to enter the same time for start and end times. Really hope Blackbaud will correct this faster than the end of the month!
Be well,
Michelle O.
Hi All
I have found a way around it for the time being. If you end "TBA" as the end time, it will allow you to save it and no end time will appear on your schedule.
Be well,
Hi all, I have put in a request to take this up in our next sprint which would mean at latest you'd see it end of month but will pull it into first availability before then and get it out sooner if we can!
Completely agree. End time should not be a requirement and is a source of mass confusion for parents. Creating a major headache at our school. It can certainly be an option for those that need it, but it should not be a requirement. Please correct this qucikly. Thanks you!
Yes please do not make it required. We already have a Pick-Up time. For events like Baseball, Tennis and Golf, it is nearly impossible to be accurate.
Just put in a similar comment before I saw this. When I "chatted" w/ support, they said, Just put a note in there that the time is approximate. So now ADs have an additional thing to put for every single entry. And on top of it, it's pointless. We'd be saying, "GAME ENDS AT 7:00" and then in comments box saying "THE GAME MAY NOT END AT 7:00"
It was happening if people were trying to use ical functionality for calendar feeds. I can put in a request to have it made a non-required field. Stay tuned.
Totally agree with Tanisha. Please remove as a required field.
I have never had issues where an athletic event would not display on a calendar if the end time was not entered - either our external calendars or internal calendars.
Hi Angela, we usually message the parents and ETA or the students notify their parents if we are on our way back from an away game. We would still like to have this field optional if possible.
Hi Tanisha, we can do that. The reason we added it (other than people wanted to know roughly when to pick up) was that for the event to render correctly in a calendar it needs an end time which we got complaints about it seeming like a bug. I'll investigate with the team if we can make it optional though it will mean those with end dates will display correctly and those without still won't. How do you communicate the pick up times today to parents? I'm wondering if it's when it is wrapping up or if away, the bus is almost back you message parents? That's how it works in our school. In which case perhaps communicate that end times are estimated and you will continue to send messages when the game is actually ending to update parents with a more accurate time (if you're doing that anyway)?