Add a hyperlink to the student submission screen from the gradebook view of an assignment

This is just a helpful workflow suggestion. Many teachers work out of the gradebook view for entering grades, entering new assignments, and reviewing previous assignments. Trying to review previous assignments where there were student submissions is cumbersome because you have to switch to assignments then change your filter to previous. It would be great if the assignment name in the gradebook was a hyperlink to the student submission section for that assignment. This could launch in a new window. You don't have to hyperlink the title of the assignment (that is just my thought), but providing a link of some kind to this area would be very helpful for teachers that issue a lot of student submission assignments or need to review previous submissions after the assignment is past the due date.

  • Rick Geyer
  • May 7 2020
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Ben Leddy commented
    14 Dec, 2021 02:22pm

    Teachers can now access student submissions from the gradebook! Check out this video to learn how:

  • Guest commented
    17 Sep, 2021 03:13pm

    In addition, teachers want to see the dates of classes from the gradebook assignments view, as they do when looking from the assignment center.

  • Cera Marsh commented
    13 May, 2020 12:46am

    Very happy to see this addition coming!

  • Angela Addison commented
    11 May, 2020 02:08pm

    We are working on a gradebook redesign project and this is on the list!

  • Guest commented
    8 May, 2020 01:50pm

    I was going to write to my incredible tech coach, Holly, and ask for this! I want to be able to go from a specific assignment in my gradebook to the student submission screen of that assignment with one click. I only started using the submission feature of MyCCA with Distance Learning so this wasn't an issue for me. But now it is multiple clicks away.