Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-668 Give teachers a "student view" option.

Give teachers a "student view" option Merged

Teachers do not know how the bulletin board, assignments, and gradebook look from the student perspective, and a "student view" option will allow teachers to understand better how to create and name assignments and assessments that are more user friendly from the student UI perspective.

  • Guest
  • Jun 11 2020
  • Under consideration
  • Rick Geyer commented
    12 Jun, 2020 09:26pm

    Below is a link to this existing idea in the bank that already has over 700 votes. An admin might want to merge your idea votes into this one:

    This is by far the most requested feature by the community.

  • Casey Walters commented
    12 Jun, 2020 08:14pm

    My teachers have been hounding me about this. A button would be a great solution!

  • +12