Increase the number of filetypes that will accept the drawing annotation tool in the assignments dropbox

Although many file types have access to some form of annotation tools, they don't all have access the drawing annotation tool. For example, it works on .pdf files but not .jpg files. Can the annotation tool be modified to work the same way with all (or more) filetypes?

  • Jeannie Finley
  • Jun 17 2020
  • Attach files
  • David Nassar commented
    October 23, 2020 12:42

    As a computer science teacher, it would be very helpful to annotate .py and .java files as well. Any filetype that can be supported by the viewer should have the ability to be annotated- if this functionality could be added it would be a gamechanger.

  • Hannah Wheeler commented
    September 25, 2020 14:55

    Yes. Most of our students are uploading .jpgs so we need to be able to draw on them. It would also be nice if they could rotate the image should it appear sideways.

  • Viva Reynolds commented
    August 18, 2020 17:07

    Yes, having the ability to annotate .jpgs would be great!