Please make it so we can access submitted assignments from the Gradebook

When entering grades in the gradebook, I cannot view attachments that students have submitted. The only way to currently view those attachments is to go through the Assignments Center. Can you please provide a link/option in the gradebook that will take me directly to the assignment details so I can view and grade the attached documents?

  • Guest
  • Sep 18 2020
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Ben Leddy commented
    9 Nov, 2021 12:08pm

    I'm excited to share that teachers can view and annotate student assignment submissions right from the gradebook. Check out this 1-minute video for a walkthrough!

  • Heath Montgomery commented
    2 Feb, 2021 03:51pm

    Please consider implementing this change. Currently, teachers spend a lot of time changing settings for each assignment. Implementing an assignment template for a particular assignment type is one option.

    I have also advocated that Assignments be accessible from the Gradebook directly. Navigating the myriad assignment views is confusing. There is also no way to bulk download a single student's work.

    1. Setting class assignment defaults as a teacher not globally.

      1. Possible templates for assignment type linked to the teacher.

      2. Assignments inherit teacher settings, not global settings when importing assignments from the previous year/semester.

    2. Make Assignment view accessible within Gradebook.

      1. add via a hyperlink

  • Kristopher Loper commented
    15 Dec, 2020 07:23pm

    Agreed. Every teacher in my institution that accepts digital assignments has approached me to ask "I see the little 'S' in my Gradebook, but how do I view the document?". Please connect the two.