Ability to view marking period dates again when creating assignments

With the previous assignment setup, when we added an assignment, we could see marking period dates when selecting an assignment due date. This option is still available within some areas of the software (like when adding announcements to a bulletin board). This was really helpful for teachers to see what dates the marking period ended, so we would appreciate having this added with the new assignments.

  • Samantha Ravenelle
  • Sep 23 2020
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Erin Whitaker commented
    September 23, 2020 18:02

    Does this affect seeing when the next class is scheduled? It used to show up blue. Should it now? If so, it is not.

  • Angela Addison commented
    September 23, 2020 17:57

    We did have an issue with certain sections not showing the marking periods (it was happening when you added additional sections that weren't your default sections) but that should have been fixed in yesterday's release. If you're still seeing an issue with this can you enter a support ticket? If there isn't a configuration issue it's possible that there is still some data scenario that it's hitting that wasn't in the fix we did and support will escalate up to us if needed. thanks!