Topics Links: Should be able to add more than one to a channel

I would like links in Topics to function similar to Bulletin Board.
  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Attach files
  • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
    December 15, 2020 23:11

    Ironically, I had a teacher share with me their annoyance that they can add all of their downloads under a single download part in Topics but they cannot add all of their links under a single links part. It requires a new links part for each link which is very clunky. I came to the idea bank to post this idea and came across this already-existing idea so added my vote to support that links be enhanced to operate as efficiently as downloads.

  • Guest commented
    August 29, 2016 14:51

    Why does this not have more votes?! This is one of my teachers' biggest frustrations. The organization of links in Bulletin Boards works nicely - that needs to be copied to Topics. 

  • Guest commented
    August 02, 2016 16:04

    This feature would be very helpful for our faculty as they group together links

  • +1