A teacher should be able to mark an assignment as submitted without entering a grade or marking it exempt

As it is now, the only way a teacher can mark an assignment as submitted in the Blackbaud grade book is by adding a grade, selecting Exempt, or trusting that their student will check off that it has been submitted on their end.. If assignments are submitted to teachers directly in the analog world, they need to have the ability to show parents and students that the assignment was submitted and received.

  • Scott Albright
  • Oct 13 2020
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Morgan Kunze commented
    October 20, 2021 21:12

    Yes, please add a function for teachers to trigger a status change in students' view that bridges the time between turning in a non-system assignment and grading. Tracking similar ideas:








  • Mary Agnes Edsall commented
    February 20, 2021 19:04

    Yes! Please add this!