Give Teacher Options Enable Automate Missing (M), Zero (O), or Late (L) in gradebook

Teachers would like the ability to enable the option for the gradebook to automate the filling in of missing, zero and/late assignments to reduce clerical tasks and reduce time.

  • Priscilla Lopez
  • Oct 27 2020
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Jim Brandt commented
    12 Mar, 2021 03:55pm

    Students have come to rely on the missing assignments list in the assignment center to help them keep track of thier missing work and get it completed. Because teachers have to manually flag an assignment as missing, students think they have all of their work submitted when, in fact, they have work that is missing. Our school has an academic demerit/detention system designed to deter late work/encourage students to meet deadlines. Because the system relies on teachers' manually flagging assignments as missing - we run into constant issues with inaccuracy, in part because it is arduous for teachers to locate and score work submitted late (can't access it directly from the grade book yet) and teachers fall behind in removing the missing flag. This results in students receiving demerits and being placed in academic detention when they should not (5 missing assignments = demerit/detention). We would like our system administrator to be able to turn on automation of these flags so that the system would automatically classify any assignment that is not submitted by the due date/time as "missing". We would also like that classification to change to "late" when an assignment is turned in after the due date. By allowing this automation to be toggled on/off at the administration level, schools that prefer the manual approach could continue to do so.