More features in the Messaging System

It would be really cool if there were more features in the messaging system:

  • Allow organize or group similar messages. Would want to put those in folders by grade would be amazing

  • Being able to mark all as read or even just mark as read without opening

  • Being able to message a class from the message page instead of going through rosters on the class page

  • When typing in a name of someone I’m writing to, have the previous conversation come up

  • Dyvar Anderson
  • Oct 29 2020
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Liz Hester commented
    8 Apr 04:30pm

    The enhancements below would be incredibly helpful:

    1. The ability to receive and respond to messages via email inbox (versus Messaging within the system).

    2. The ability to attach documents.

    3. The ability to CC users. If possible, the system's ability to automatically CC parents when sending a message to their student.

  • Lindsay Hurley commented
    10 Jul, 2023 01:28pm

    Really would love to see options to send out a mass email to a specific population that does not have a group - ex) parents of students with IEPs (bcc of course), etc.

  • Andy Cupit commented
    5 Apr, 2023 07:29pm

    Would also love the additon of a filter/view that only shows unread messages.

  • Guest commented
    29 Aug, 2022 03:27pm

    Messaging needs more functionality for sure! The ability to BCC recipients, the ability for any faculty/staff to message any roster/group regardless of membership, and attachments. Please!!

  • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
    18 Mar, 2022 03:36pm

    Teachers would also like to send a message to multiple students without the students being able to see who else received the message. This is important when notifying students about unsatisfactory work or a missing assignment.

  • Katherine Lewis commented
    17 May, 2021 04:55pm

    We really need the mark all as read option. Many parents only read and respond to the email notification and have thousands of messages in their Messages inbox. They need a quick and easy way to get this cleaned up!

  • Angela Addison commented
    29 Oct, 2020 01:46pm

    Hi @Dyvar Anderson this is timely as we're looking at enhancements now for inbox messaging and some of these things were on our list for consideration. Stay tuned!