Better/complete EdPuzzle Integration

We need tighter integration with EdPuzzle. [described below].

Right now, teachers can set up videos that students can launch right from Assignments, but after all students have completed the assignment, the Export Grades back to LMS function does not work. That is, teachers have to manually copy the grades from EdPuzzle into their gradebook.

EdPuzzle says BB's integration is deficient in this regard. Fixing this would be a boon to facilitate, among other things, distance learning.


EdPuzzle is a great tool for remote learning: a teacher curates a collection of instructional videos [her/his own and others from the internet], then positions questions and challenges to be answered throughout the video.

This provides a grade, which strongly motivates the student to pay attention to the video.

  • john ronan
  • Oct 29 2020
  • Attach files
  • Craig Zeller commented
    23 Aug, 2024 04:57pm

    There has to be a plan to allow grades to be passed back from Edpuzzle to Education Management. There is a setting in Learning Tool Integration Settings for it.

  • Craig Zeller commented
    23 Aug, 2024 04:50pm

    From an Edpuzzle rep 8/22/24: "Unfortunately, with the way the Blackbaud LTI communicates with Edpuzzle, grade passback is not a feature that is supported with the integration."