Notification from app when something important happens (video recording of class fails to load).

From a teacher:

For the second time this year, the app has burped when I fed it a class recording (Zoom). When that happens, the video is unavailable to students; the app just plays them the previous video in the section. I receive no notification.

See image attached.

The "bug," such as it is, is that there is no pencil icon at top-right allowing me to fix the problem. I am putting "bug" in quotes because it IS possible to fix the problem, I just discovered -- by clicking the hyperlinked "Chapter 4 Class Recordings." It seems odd to me that when an error occurs, the way to edit changes, so this seems like a bug of sorts.

As for a feature request, the app clearly knows my email address. When something like this happens, it is IMPORTANT!!, at least potentially. The app shouldn't be silent about a problem like this. I should get an email, or a flashing box in the app, or something. If a student hadn't just told me about this, how would I know? (Okay, okay, I'd notice the next time I uploaded a video. But this was an assignment for the students to watch tonight!)

Thank you.

  • Christine Nichols
  • Dec 8 2020
  • Attach files