Make the default copied assignment publish status "Publish Now" or give me a calendar indicator on assignments aren't published

When I make an assignment in one section of a class and then, a day later, I assign that same task to a different course, the assignment does not immediately go to “Publish Now” as it normally does. Instead, it’s listed “Publish – No.” This is problematic since there is no indication on MY assignment calendar that it is not published for my students. So, an assignment I have written and “assigned” to my classes doesn’t show up for them. Unless I return to look at the assignment details for that specific assignment, I do not catch my error until the due date, when students haven’t done the work I thought they would be doing.

My questions for Blackbaud:

Is it possible to “publish” transferred assignments right away?

Also, could teachers have some indication on their assignment calendars that an assignment is not published to their students?

  • Steve Stay
  • Apr 1 2021
  • Attach files