Option to generate official note from gradebook

Within gradebook, an instructor can bulk grade, bulk comment etc. It would be really helpful to have an option within gradebook to generate an official note from a particular assignment, such that the official note has a link to the assignment already there.

  • Joel Garza
  • May 4 2021
  • Attach files
  • Ben Leddy commented
    August 06, 2021 12:28

    While generating an official note from a specific assignment is not currently planned, users can add an official note directly from the gradebook and can add the text of their choosing in the note, including assignment titles and details.

  • anson kendall commented
    June 08, 2021 14:17

    I'd add to this. It would be helpful to have an Official Notte flag next to any student who you previously wrote an Official Note for. That way you can see a student's progress and click on the flag to see your communication to them all in one place.

  • Melissa Battis commented
    May 04, 2021 22:48

    This would be especially helpful if you could link missing assignments to an official note. The goal would be to be able to utilize this to help teachers receive support on student learning goals from the parents and other pertinent adults.