Show each assignment's weight in Cum Grade (column heading in Gradebook, or a report)

Helps teachers recognize EARLY if there are too few assignments in a category, so they can add more. For example: In a class's gradebook, let's say Tests are weighted 50%, Homework 30%, & Projects 20%. If only 2 tests are given, each of them accounts for 25% of students' final grade!

Our school policy is that no individual assignment (test, project, or anything) should account for more than 20% of a report card grade. This enhancement would help teachers be aware in time to schedule and give additional tests before the end of the grading period.

Gradelink (our former software) provided this info in the column heading of each assignment in Gradebook. Most homework and assignments were 2-3%. Tests were often 5-10%. If anything stuck out higher, it was immediately obvious & they could remedy.

Our teachers GREATLY miss this ability in BB! And we have no way to help them at present without a lot of manual exporting and calculating work in Excel. Ugh. ;-(

Thank you for considering, Sharon

  • Sharon Babcock
  • Sep 1 2021
  • Attach files
  • Paul Lapka commented
    October 12, 2021 02:57

    We really need thsi back!

  • Jon Gray commented
    September 02, 2021 11:38

    I could not agree more. I was perusing gradebooks this morning and already caught a few that were wonky.