Create a way for the Master Schedule to toggle on/off student conflicts with different block types

Currently when you go to Academics > Scheduling > Requests & Schedule > View Master Schedule > and change to looking at Students—the conflicts shown include multiple Block types (Academic, Activity, etc.) It would be great if we could toggle on/off which blocks to show conflicts for. Note: if you look at teacher conflicts, these do not include conflicts with activities that they are Activity Leaders of. It seems strange that the two groups work differently.

A more detailed explanation: Our school offers Breakfast and Lunch activity blocks that overlap with some of our academic blocks (i.e. Breakfast on Wednesday is from 7:15-8:45am and our first academic block of the day starts at 8:20-9:10am—this gives students not enrolled in Block 2 an opportunity to eat a bit later so we don't have all of our kids in the dining hall all at once). Ideally I could enroll everyone in one Breakfast group and the overlapping conflict with the activity wouldn't show in Schedule Maker—right now it does show for students but not for teachers. In Schedule Maker, the students show as having a conflict, but it doesn't clarify that it's a conflict with an activity unless you click on the block for more information. For this situation, almost every student shows as having a conflict if we enroll them in one Breakfast and one Lunch group. The workaround for now is to create multiple activity groups and manually enroll students based off of their block enrollments. For us and our rotating block schedule, that means I have created 11 Breakfast groups and 15 Lunch groups. If a student changes a section or course, we also need to update all of their meal enrollments. It makes the process pretty cumbersome and time consuming.

Thanks for considering!

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  • Sep 8 2021
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