Assignment View Published/Not Published

When I'm toggling from my chosen assignment view (in my preferences I have set the default to "Due this week") to see things like past or upcoming assignments, the menu automatically chooses the "not published" option after I select the timeframe I want to see. Every time I have to manually fix this. It would be far more sensible for the menu to automatically leave that option BLANK so that both "published" and "not published" show by default. It would save teachers a step and an annoyance.

Additionally, the assignment view options, while better now that we can customize them, are still not intuitive and for students, the fact that anything "past due" disappears by default is disasterous. I set all my assignments to be due at 8am, so by class time kids can't see them without clicking previous. What a pain.

  • Guest
  • Sep 13 2021
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  • Guest commented
    September 17, 2021 15:10

    In addition, the default is not published when viewing prior year classes and assignments and it defaults to DATE IS IN THE FUTURE - but since looking at a prior year it should default to prior year dates