Sharing Seating Charts

We love this feature! We would love to see if there is a way for all the teachers that teach a certain section to be able to see the seating charts too. Or if there is a way to share the charts within Blackbaud.

  • Devi Innerarity
  • Oct 7 2021
  • Attach files
  • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
    15 Oct, 2021 03:53pm

    I would also love for other teachers and substitutes to be able to see these seating charts. Currently, other teachers can search for the class in "Groups" and open another teacher's class as read-only and view bulletin board, topics, etc., but they cannot see the seating chart.

  • Devi Innerarity commented
    12 Oct, 2021 01:36pm

    Hi Jacqueline,

    I think your first suggestion. We would ideally like it if any teachers that teaches the kids in 3A section can see the seating chart. For example in our 3rd Grade we have 2 sections 3A and 3M. We would like all the teachers that teach these sections to be able to see the head teachers seating chart. Does that help?

    Also, I think Kent's comment would be great addition. The nurse plays a vital role in our COVID tracing. That if they had a way to view the seating chart it would faster.


  • Admin
    Jacqueline Koca commented
    12 Oct, 2021 03:59am

    Hi all! I would love to get a little more information on what you are looking for. When you mention the teachers of a certain section, do you mean an individual class section (Section 1 of Algebra I, for example) or do you mean all teachers teaching any section within a course (Algebra I) or department (Mathematics)?
    Thanks so much! - Jacqueline

  • Kent Thele commented
    12 Oct, 2021 03:05am

    Sharing within Blackbaud (such as with a nurse) would be nice for contact tracing.