When teachers forget to check the "Include in Cumulative Grade" box, or forget to Publish an assignment that is in their gradebook, it's really challenging to determine why the gradebook is "miscalculating." It would be REALLY helpful if more information were shown for each assignment in a gradebook that includes whether an assignment's boxes are checked for Publish Grade, Add to cumulative grade, Mark as extra credit, or if the assignment is Publish-Now, Assigned Date, or No. Having quicker access to this data would make it much easier to troubleshoot gradebook issues.
Agreed. Some kind of indicator should display in gradebook when these settings are not checked. Currently, no easy way to spot which assignments are not calculated in the cumulative grade. Also confusing is that when you view an individual's gradebook, grades that are not included in the cumulative average are displayed. If you are calculating the assignment type average using the displayed grades, there is a discrepancy with the average displayed at the top. There should be an indicator on this screen as well to avoid confusion and to help identify potential mistakes.