Allow an assignment to be worth zero points

The ability to make an assignment worth zero points has been removed in a recent update. Please bring this back. A number of teachers at my school and I used to make extra credit assignments worth zero and then give the kids points to add to their total points. We have found that choosing the EXTRA CREDIT button in an assignment causes strange calculations that we do not understand, whereas setting an assignment to ZERO allows us to easily add to a kid's total points and the math works as we expect it to. This has been a feature since we started using blackbaud many years ago and now, all of a sudden, it's gone.

  • Guest
  • Oct 26 2021
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    22 Sep, 2022 01:32pm

    I agree! Our faculty is finding it frustrating not having the option to make an assignment worth zero points. They are marking the assignment as "collect only" and not having it add to the cumulative grade. However, the assignment shows up on the progress page for students and parents as being worth points which is very confusing to them.

  • Jennifer Robinson commented
    3 Sep, 2022 04:41pm

    As we are currently transitioning faculty to compulsory use of the gradebook, this would be exceedingly helpful for teachers who often have formative assessments.

  • Ben Leddy commented
    5 Jan, 2022 08:21pm

    Hi all - Just following up in the new year to invite folks to reach out if you're up for chatting further about this idea! Feel free to email:

  • Ben Leddy commented
    11 Nov, 2021 09:00pm

    Hi all - Ben from the LMS team here. I'd be interested in learning more about your experience with extra credit, or other scenarios in which zero points assignments were useful in the past. Feel free to email if you're interested in chatting further:

  • Luke commented
    29 Oct, 2021 10:41pm

    Yes, this would be helpful.

  • Bill White commented
    26 Oct, 2021 02:13pm

    I concur with everything that has been said here. The platform suffers without this feature.

  • Guest commented
    26 Oct, 2021 12:19pm
    I agree - I also use this feature for extra credit (it's far easier to use than the actual extra-credit feature), and I would like it back as quickly as possible. Thanks.
  • +27