Allow teachers to add pre-grade comments to individual students for Assignments to give individual instructions that only that individual student can see before the assignment is graded

Please allow teachers to add pre-grade comments to individual students for Assignments to give individual instructions that only that individual student can see before the assignment is graded. If the teacher clicks on the name of an assignment currently they can only see the list of all students and they can only use the Assignment Comment section to give students feedback after the teacher grades that assignment (which is okay and we want that part to stay). When a teacher clicks on the assignment name to see the list of all their students, please add a new section called "Student Specific Assignment Instructions" or "Student Specific Pre-grade Assignment Comment/Instructions", where the teacher can add instructions specific to that student to complete the assignment that is different then the other students. The "Student Specific Pre-grade Assignment Comment/Instructions" could be seen by the student immediately before the assignment is completed/submitted. This would be extremely helpful for classes such as orchestra, chorus, or band where specific assignment instructions can be given only to the 10 violins, 15 tenor singers, or the 12 trumpet players. Thank you for your help!

  • Ed Hilliard
  • Nov 16 2021
  • Attach files