Organize Topic Bank by Course, Year, and then Teacher

Currently, when importing a Topic from the Topic Bank, one must choose first the year, then the teacher, and then the course from whence the topic was posted to the topic bank. This extraneous information gets in the way of finding topics.

A more-findable way of organizing topics would be first by course (not class), and then by year, and then by teacher. Thus, if a team is teaching, say, American History, they could simply pull up their whole catalog of American History Topics. If needed, they could filter to, say, this year's batch of topics, and if even-more-needed (but, in practice, probably not needed), but the actual faculty member who contributed the topic.

This would also obviate the bizarreness present when one teacher from a team-taught course shares a topic to the topic bank, and everyone else needs to know that the alphabetically first member of the team is where that topic resides. A non-intuitive step, I must tell you, based on my last 24 hours working with faculty!

  • Seth Battis
  • Dec 2 2021
  • Attach files