Show post headline and/or group name in the notification email subject for Announcements and News posts

Since the email subject for Announcement and News notifications isalways the same generic "[School Name] has posted a new Announcement" news and announcements from multiple classes and group spaces get filed beneath each other in a thread in popular email systems including Gmail. (See attached screenshot.)

Without the ability to have the headline or at least the class/group space name in the subject to prevent this email thread grouping, parents and students miss important posts. Our previous LMS included the "headline" of a news/announcement post in the subject of the notification email so we did not have this issue.

This generic subject and the thread issue has led to so many missed announcements that we are considering abandoning the Blackbaud LMS because of this design flaw.

  • Raymond Shay
  • May 31 2022
  • Attach files