Ability to choose from a list of pre-written annotations in the annotation tool

Some of our instructors are looking for a way to save common responses for the annotation of papers (for regular syntax/grammar errors, etc.) instead of having to type them out every time. The ability to save an annotation in a library of regularly used ones would be an excellent time saver that also allows teachers to be consistent in their feedback to students.

  • Corey Phillips
  • Aug 31 2022
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • William Askew commented
    27 Oct, 2022 06:51pm

    Also extremely useful would be the ability to customize annotations. In fact, that innovation would be essential.

  • Admin
    Michael Morrissette commented
    26 Oct, 2022 08:06pm

    Hey Folks -

    We're going to investigate if this is possible. No promise on timelines, etc. but we can see the value this would have and would clearly save teachers clicks, which we know is always an important endeavor, especially when annotating 50+ some odd assignments.