add indicators to gradebook

I want Blackbaud to make a new feature: grade book health indicators for each class I teach.

Green Flag: Small assignments have all been graded within a week. Large assignments have all been graded within two weeks.

Yellow Flag: Most small assignments have been graded within a week. Most large assignments have been graded within two weeks. Nothing has been left ungraded for more than a month.

Red Flag: Multiple ungraded assignments that are more than two weeks old. Some ungraded assignments are more than a month old.

Purple Flag: An assignment has been graded but not committed.

Wouldn't this be amazing? As a faculty member, you could log in and be like, "Wow four green flags and one yellow! I guess I know where to direct my attention today!" And as an admin, you could quickly scan faculty names to see red flags. I don't even think it would be hard for them to program this. Maybe I should tell them they can have this idea for free. :)

  • Timothy Dougherty
  • Nov 1 2022
  • Attach files