Ability to add source code to grading comments

I would like to be able to add a source code to the grading comments section. Oftentimes teachers use the same statements to describe the class within the comments, and the ability to include source code for first name, etc. would speed up their work as opposed to having to retype the student name for each instance and God forbit miss one.

  • Carol Lorion
  • Jan 27 2023
  • Attach files
  • Anne Chen commented
    January 27, 2023 23:09

    It would be great to have formatting available for Comments in the Gradebook. Some of our teachers press the return key when making comments -- and then HTML coding is added to the text. It looks very strange to see odd bits of HTML coding <div> or &nbsp; when teachers run reports such as "Grades by Student with Comments" - please see attached file. Our teachers would love to have basic formatting available