User-configurable upload file types

Right now there is a fairly extensive, yet slightly arbitrary list of supported file types for teachers (and students) to upload to the LMS. In conversation with support, it seems that list is generated from previous customer requests.

Given that the way the Blackbaud Google Drive connector works, hosting "unapproved" file types on Google Drive is not straight-forward either. The work-around is to copy the direct link on Google Drive and sharing links, rathe than using the normal Downloads widget.

It would be an improvement if we could configure which file types we either accept or do not accept, perhaps with some wildcards in the mix. Looking at the list, it doesn't seem like security has been a major consideration (various source code files, etc.). If there are security concerns, could they be called out specifically and clearly?

  • Seth Battis
  • Mar 30 2023
  • Attach files
  • Seth Battis commented
    March 30, 2023 16:48

    Should it matter, the file types I want this week are: .pse, .pdb, .cif, .ape, and .fasta -- all for science classes doing various types of data collection and analysis.