Let students see major assignments as a filterable category

Right now, our teachers are able to pull a report on major assignments for students in their class, to schedule their tests and papers and projects and whatnot more thoughtfully. That addresses half the equation. (Although there are numerous thoughtful suggestions for its improvement.)

But students need to be better set up to advocate for themselves. They should be able to filter by major assignment in the assignment center (is this part of the upcoming assignment center overhaul?). This would let them both prioritize their efforts and engage with teachers more proactively around their assignment load.

  • Seth Battis
  • May 3 2023
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Ben Labaree commented
    April 10, 2024 13:25

    yes--great idea and per one of the ideas that has been requested by others, it would be nice for teachers to be able to see a system-wide view of "major assignments" for planning purposes