Teachers would like a more efficient method to data enter letter grade scale grades into the gradebook via the keyboard

In the gradebook, for points grades, teachers enjoy quickly data entering a number and using the tab key to advance to the next student row. This can be done for many students quickly. However, for assignments with letter based grades or skills, the data entry process is more involved for users who only want to use the keyboard and not the mouse. The following are the steps:

  1. Select a grade field to activate editing mode for that grade field. If using your keyboard, navigate to the grade field and press Enter on your keyboard to activate editing mode.

  2. Use the up and down arrows, letter, or number keys on your keyboard to choose a letter grade or skill rating.

Tip: To display the dropdown with letter grade and skill rating choices, press Enter again.

  1. Once the desired letter grade or skill rating is selected, press Tab on your keyboard to move down to the next student row. If you’re editing the bottom row, press esc to exit editing mode.

Tip: If the letter grade or skill dropdown is displayed, press Tab twice to exit editing mode and move down to the next student row.

Teachers are finding this very cumbersome. They are particularly frustrated when they tab to the next student row that the gradebook automatically reverts out of editing mode in the case of letter grade scales.

As with the original points example above, they are wanting to data enter a letter grade (e.g. "A" or "B") and tab to the next student row and enter the next letter grade continuously without all the need to toggle in and out of view/edit mode repeatedly.

  • Geoffrey Goodfellow
  • Sep 8 2023
  • Attach files