Ability to pull current lead teacher on reports, not lead teacher at the start of the course

Request the ability for a report to pull the current term lead teacher, not the lead teacher at the start of the class. Currently the 1st term (S1) teacher of the class pulls onto the reports even though there was a change for the 2nd term (S2). This is causing a challenge b/c when we pull a report (ie: failure report) it pulls the S1 teacher who is no longer employed at our school, not the S2 teacher (who is currently teaching the class). The solution from case #019602998 is to change the lead teacher for the start of the class (S1), which then does pull onto the failure report. HOWEVER, it also changes the teacher on the report card, we still use the old report card builder, and now the history and integrity of who taught the course is lost. Thus, it would be very helpful for the reports to be pulled for the current term that is selected (S2), not the start of the class (start of the school year) which will maintain the history and integrity of the class and who taught it. Thank you for this consideration.

  • Jill Lagomasino
  • Jan 29 2024
  • Attach files
  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    January 30, 2024 18:53

    We have not run into this situation, but I would definitely expect all reports to respect and return the current Head Teacher accurately, without losing the historical data of who the Head Teacher was in a prior term!

  • Rachael Moscato commented
    January 29, 2024 21:16

    We had this issue as well and it was fairly frustrating.