Only current term teachers should be able to create assignments

I was chasing this problem for a teacher who had covered for one of his colleagues in the Fall term. It was then the Winter term, and he was still seeing the other teacher's section whenever he created an assignment for his own sections (he taught 2 sections of the same class that he had covered for the other teacher).

As a result, every time he created an assignment, he had to manually unselect the other teacher's section so as not to accidentally assign his homework to the other teacher's section (a process that he was careful about, but not 100% successful with) and he wasn't able to use the Select All or Clear All buttons when setting due dates.

In discussion with Blackbaud support (ticket #019633475), it became clear that:

  1. There was no mechanism in the user interface to remove that third, non-current section from the teacher's list of sections when creating assignments.

  2. That any teacher who had ever had any relationship with the class -- even if that relationship was not in the current term -- was able, by design, to create assignments in the class.

I assert that #1 is annoying, but that #2 is defective by design. Only teachers who are teaching a class in the current term should be able to create assignments. And that in a multi-term class, a relationship in a previous term is demonstrably NOT an on-going relationship. It was ended. By the end of term.

We are never ever getting back together again.

  • Seth Battis
  • Mar 6 2024
  • Attach files
  • Erin Caprielian commented
    March 07, 2024 17:31

    Thanks for the laughs, Seth and Jeanne! We also have courses where there are different teachers in different terms so this makes sense.

    "Closing time, you don't have to go home

    But you can't stay here"

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    March 06, 2024 15:59

    Nice clear description of this issue--thank you @SethBattis!

    I would add that only teachers who are listed as Teacher on a class in the current or future term should be able to create/edit assignments for that class. I'm thinking of long-term subs who take over mid-year and might need to be able to create assignments into a future term, which I think they should be able to do. This would put the onus on Academic Group Managers and Platforms Managers to carefully manage which sections & terms teachers are attached to.

    And I fully agree with Seth that #2 seems like a defect.

    Maybe we're not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love (BB) again?

    : - )