Default roster view in activity groups should be current term

As documented by Blackbaud, if you navigate to a group via the group finder, the roster displayed will always be for the term in which the group started.

This is not helpful. I navigated to the group's roster to see the current roster.

When I asked the support chatbot about this, it gave directions that suggested that I could edit the group section and change the default term as part of adding a new activity leader. This does not work and is misleading.

The sensible default -- the one that passes the "reasonable person test" is that when one navigates to the roster of a group, activity, team, whatever the default view should be of the current time. Moreover, the support given for this should be accurate. (The support tech sent me to this link, *after* repeating the AI chatbot's instructions to me and me reporting back that it still didn't work.)

  • Seth Battis
  • Jun 5 2024
  • Attach files
  • Seth Battis commented
    June 25, 2024 18:00

    Just to illustrate the undesireability of the current behavior: the teacher who manages all of our exchange and travel programs just had search up a group from last year to send a message to... and got dumped into the wrong term, had the wrong roster, and had to fumble around with this while also needing to send an urgent group message.

    This really is not how the system should work. At all.

  • Chrystalle Kiefer commented
    June 05, 2024 13:29

    The fact that we even have to request this seems very odd to me! Why wouldn't it automatically default to the current time?? How does this make any sense to go to the term for which the group started???

  • Jo Giesecke commented
    June 05, 2024 13:04

    It seems logical that ALL groups should default to current term with the ability to find the term the group started.