GPAs publishable to parents in Performance tab (or Progress) as they are to faculty/staff

When a school employee views a student's Academic profile, we can see the various GPAs in the Performance tab. We'd like to be able to provide parents and students with a similar view. Currently, we can only make GPAs viewable to students and parents by pulling it on to Report Cards/Transcripts, and it would really simplify the process for them if they could just quickly view it somewhere on their student's Academic profile.

I also love how the GPAs on the Performance tab give us the option to see the specific breakdown of the calculation. If it's possible to include some variation of that for parents and students also, I think it would eliminate a lot of questions that Registrars spend time answering for parents.

  • Lindsay Hurley
  • Jun 5 2024
  • Attach files
  • Veronica Zermani commented
    June 05, 2024 17:14

    Great idea! Please have this viewing access granted by role. Sometimes I want to publish to only admin, and other times I want to publish to parents and/or students.

    Like other awful settings, PLEASE don't make it an all or nothing view.